Your priorities are my priorities.
As your State Representative,
I continue to master the nuances of legislating, which is built upon trust in relationships with people who have different views and values but also share a common humanity. It is the willingness to listen to and be respectful enough so that our district’s concerns are respected. Our natural resource-based economy requires new investments in infrastructure to develop the highest potential for our agricultural and forest communities. People in our region deserve opportunities to prosper, and our children should have a future. I have worked to build the foundations that will allow us to grow. I have the relationships and the trust of my colleagues in the Legislature and will continue to advocate for needed investments that will benefit our region long into the future.
Mary Dye, Representative 9th WA Legislative District
My Top priorities include …
Rational Energy Choices
Free Market and American-Made Energy
Practical Environmental Solutions with Immediate Benefits
I support a rational approach to environmental and energy issues. From investments in wastewater treatment to accommodate the growing population in the Puget Sound region to addressing the areas in cities that contribute to the Urban Heat Island effect and opening up lands for home and community building more in harmony with ecosystems, as well as actively managing our forests and improving our agricultural regions with irrigation, which cools and cycles the air in healthier ways, we can have immediate benefits to our climate, instead of destroying our economy in the quest for ideological purity.·
Taxes & Energy Choice
Fuel and Utility price increases due to aggressive climate policies adopted on partisan votes are hurting families and businesses. Gas ban mandates on buildings will burden our taxpayers as we are forced to convert to heat pumps in our public schools and universities, agency office buildings, and many other facilities serving our communities. Finally, we need to address our region's transformation into large-scale industrial wind and solar plants while also threatening to breach our four lower Snake River dams. The legislature must reconsider policies that harm so many people across the state.
I support a rational approach to environmental and energy issues. From investments in wastewater treatment to accommodate the growing population in the Puget Sound region to addressing the areas in cities that contribute to the Urban Heat Island effect and opening up lands for home and community building more in harmony with ecosystems, as well as actively managing our forests and improving our agricultural regions with irrigation, which cools and cycles the air in healthier ways, we can have immediate benefits to our climate, instead of destroying our economy in the quest for ideological purity.
Investments that give entrepreneurs and risk-takers opportunities to prosper our communities and region.
Investments in new wastewater technology that cleans up past pollution and prevents continuing pollution.
Give people in towns and out of town access to full coverage cellular and broadband infrastructure.
People deserve to have access to the essential infrastructure to achieve success regardless of where they live in our State.
Investments in water infrastructure are my top priority. I have projects under construction that will require vigilant advocacy to see their completion. We must invest in wastewater treatment to remove harmful plant nutrients that destroy Puget Sound's marine ecosystem. We also need to invest in cellular and broadband technology.
Citizen Safety
Violent People are the problem, not violent guns.
Our Country is blessed to have first rights that protect us.
You have every right to speak your mind, have faith in the author of your rights, God Almighty, and to protect yourself and your loved ones from physical threat of violent people.
People who commit violent acts or involve themselves in the drug trade or cartels, people who have crossed into our nation illegally and have claimed asylum illegitimately and threaten the safety of people in our communities or are trafficking people and have weapons to facilitate their criminal acts should face real and immediate consequences. People who legally purchase and own guns per their constitutional rights and abide by all of the gun laws should not be considered a threat. Empower our police and demand that the legal system prosecute and remove anyone from our community who does violent acts, especially those criminal people who abuse the right to have a gun.